What is The Rock Arena?
The Rock Arena is an online rock music website. Built from the ground up by founder Justin van Heerden in 2019, The Arena was born out of a passion for all things rock and a drive to create a central place for everyone that shares the same passion.
Where are you based?
We are based in South Africa but being an online site we focus on promoting, not only South African talent, but anything rock related from around the world.
How can I/we become a featured band or artist?
We really enjoy bringing new bands and artist to our readers and we are always on the lookout for new features. Click HERE if you are interested in being featured in the Arena
I’m a writer and/or photographer can I contribute to the Arena?
We are always open to having members contribute to the Arena, after all that's what makes us so fucking awesome. If you would like to contribute to the Arena click HERE
Can I advertise in the Arena?
You can! We have a few advertising options which can be found HERE
As more questions become frequent, we will post them here. in the meantime please direct questions to therockarenaza@gmail.com